Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Design Vs business...Got Santino?

Hello Everyone,

UPDATE! Thank you Julie! the site is fixed!

I've received so many positive and heartfelt messages, I'll get to reading every one of them as soon as I'm able.

Whatever your opinions are about the outcome and more specifically if you are distraught over the show's decision, I want you all to know that I feel in life things happen for a reason. I believe this Project Runway experience and it's outcome happened for a reason. I'm overwhelmed and blessed to have had this opportunity and I'm grateful to receive all of your kind and inspirational words.

I'd like to especially thank all of you who have been with me from the very beginning. Those of you who realized you were watching a TV show and saw my essence through the brief and edited character portrayed in the storyline of the show. I was really amused by the whole thing and have NO REGRETS. I understood that the end would justify the means and that at the end of the day I'm a genuine and passionate human being with a sense of humor and a love for life. Thank you all so much, keep checking back, the site should be back to normal soon!

Warmest Regards,


Blogger . o O M e l i S e r O o . said...

ya veo que en unos meses Santino va a ser el top designer del mundo...mmmm


12:27 PM  

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