Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Name kevin fischer


Born City san francisco

Why are you here? to work trails

What do you like best about rtr? working outdoors, getting to know new people, seeing new places

What do you like least about rtr? waking up at five in the morning everyday

Who or what do you miss my bike, it got stolen a year ago

What changes happened in your head by being here? none come to mind

Where will you be doing in a year? probaly the same shit, somewhere else

If you had a million what would you do? travel around the world

Food best liked? bunnies

Food least liked? haven't had any yet

Kevin que pibe interesante e instruido, es de lo mas interesante que he conocido en este ultimo tiempo.
La vision es moderada pero es claramente irreverente, un tipo de esos que hace lo que tiene que hacer, podria escribir mas sobre el pero seria una vision subjetiva a lo Gyllan.


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